The Story Behind
Quality Co.
Some things happen all at once, and some are the slow blossoming of a seed planted for months, years or even generations.
Ours was a bit of all three.
Kevin was raised to race cars and mini dirt bikes, hold dad’s flashlight, paint the house, do trim work, pressure wash, and all with the expectation and work ethic that it be done with excellence. Melissa was raised similarly, learning at a young age to mow for a side gig, and investing diligence and a careful discipline to her music studies through college.
After 20 years of working in corporate business from the ground up, then putting that “systems” knowledge and expertise to work in the construction and excavation world, Kevin and Melissa (husband and wife team), realized, “we want to do good, honest work, providing a wonderful product for the customer, on time, as promised. We want people to wake up each morning and not only love their new space, but be just as satisfied with the process.”